
Is There A Doctor In The House


He attended my writing masterclass in 2016. He had just started university; young, bright, and shy. Thin as a reed. He was talented as well, anyone could tell. He wrote beautifully with his cheek and thought himself funny, which

Five Knives


A guy comes to my gate in the village. He’s young, wearing a shirt with torn-off sleeves like a scrapper in a low-budget flick. We speak through the gate. He says, “I once did some work for you.” I

Down An Anthole


The other day I was having a conversation about death with Lady. I’d read an article about a guy who was talking about cremation and she asked me, “Would you consider being cremated?” Her voice echoed loudly because everybody

Ni God Manze


I wrote a story but the subject requested that it be shared with his lawyer first because the last time I wrote about him and his marriage it created such a shitstorm it ended in court. His lawyer hasn’t

What Happens In The Blue Room?


I haven’t written a decent sentence in five days. I’m in a bit of a creative slump, something that happens once in a while. It’s like walking through dead air, a place with no gravity. A place with no