The girl with my song.


When I was 21 I dated this girl who was gaga about rhythm and blues. She loved Boyz to Men and to be specific, Shawn Stockman. She thought Shawn was the shit. I thought Shawn had a shitty hairstyle. I remember buying her the album Evolution (they came in the form of tapes back those days when god was a boy). For weeks on end she listened to little else but that tape.

Here is the thing; she is the only girl I ever dated who listened to music with her eyes closed. You haven’t dated until you have dated a chick who listens to music with her eyes closed gentlemen (Ben, you better be taking notes). She would sit on the settee with her legs folded away under her, and she would listen to the track To the limit over and over again, all the while her head flung back on the chair and eyes closed. And when this happened she would block everything out for that moment and recede into a world that only belonged to her, a world that only she could fully contemplate. And when she adopted this poise she cast

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an avatar of mystery a representation of something deeply erotic. At least to me, look I was young and highly impressionable after all.

Suffice to say such moments were confusing for me, confusing in that even though I found her sexily unreachable, I was embarrassed to accept that I felt lonely at her leaving with Shawn, Wanya, Mike and Nathan, lonely because she had excluded me from this intimate journey to the neverland of music. But also those moments were animatedly intimate because for the time Shawn crooned in her ears I lost her. Completely. She was gone…gone, baby, gone. For the moments Wanya hit the notes with that trademark falsetto, I knew she was not mine, that she would never be mine as long as those guys were singing. Oh how I wished I could sing.

By the way, this is the kind of post that puts me in the doghouse with the powers that be. Writing about another woman in this fashion is just the kind of thing that will earn me “the sulk” for days because it implies that I miss another woman. It implies that I still burn a candle for her. Well, nothing could be further from the truth. I hate candles, candles are dangerous, and they can start a fire. I’m writing this now because it’s contextualized to the story I’m about to tell. The story of this ex simply offers an irresistible entry point. Nothing less. There isn’t some raging romance brewing on the sly with her. No candles on my side of the pond. Last I heard from her was eight years ago when she had rang me from a telephone booth at the airport to say goodbye with a voice that shimmered and trembled with rife emotion. Then poof, she was gone!

But here is the story I really wanted to tell.

I saw this kid in the morning traffic sometime back as I headed to town. She must have been 4 or 5. She was in one of those yellow school buses that we all want our kids to ride in one day. Whilst the other kids in the bus were being jumpy and mischievous (like only kids can be) she sat lifelessly in her seat; Ipod dangling from her ear, head rested back on her chair, face turned towards the window, and a forehead slightly touching the window. Her breath made a small circular mist on the window. She was a very beautiful kid, the type chicks spot in a supermarket and screech, “aww, she is soooooo sweet.” My god, how I can’t stand that kind of drama!

But this kid was a flower. The type of kid any man

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would look at and have a paternal thing stir in him. She looked delicate, brittle even. And she sat there in that picturesque like way, as if waiting for a painter to capture her poise. To freeze this unconscious character.

Her eyes were closed.

For a moment I thought she was catching a quick snooze. But on closer inspection I could tell she wasn’t. Her face was a poster of inertia. Her eyelids only flattered ever so slightly. Her lips shimmered faintly, as if she was silently reciting a holy verse. She was immersed in the moment and by extension within herself. She seemed engaged in some form of internal conversation. She seemed divorced from life. She sat there, eyes defiantly shut; as if afraid that if she opened them the world would intrude into this perfectly intimate world she had created, this world that the music she was streaming from her Ipod had helped her create…her own private world; pure and unadulterated. She had convincingly detached herself from reality and in effect gotten lost in its translation.

That song – whatever she was listening to – had stolen that little girl’s soul.

I wondered what she was listening to. I really did give it a long think. I wondered what small girls listen to. Was it Taylor Swift? Justin Bieber? Or perhaps Jonas Brothers? I wondered what that song made her feel? Did it make her sad? Did it make her think of her best friend? Did it make her ponder over life and over her life in general? Was her very young mind matured enough to really mull over life, to place it on a board and cut through it open with scalpels with the hope of finding answers within? Her innocence was intoxicating. Just looking at her sent a fuzzy feeling in me, it made me think, albeit fleetingly, of my daughter. Forget it, Making Appearances, you wouldn’t understand this feeling.

Anyway as I sat in that stagnant traffic looking up at this little girl, I felt a sense of loss. A sense

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of hopelessness. Hopelessness and envy. Envy because that kid had escaped – if not momentarily, – from herself. She had walked away from homework, and school bullies, and cartoon network and math and traffic. I felt hopeless because I was feeling envious of her new (or old) found seclusion. That little girl momentarily brought into my life a sense of perspective, but she also filled me with such inexplicable sorrow, such garroting melancholy. She brought home a realization of how trapped we all are in our lives.

We don’t really escape fully even when we are sleep (or high) do we? We are always aware…aware of our mortality. We are always aware of the smells of the night, and the sound of our hearts, even though what we crave for at times is to momentarily stop loving, stop working, stop dreaming, stop thinking, stop breathing… and escape to a place where we can’t feel ourselves. A place where we are comfortable not being human. Home of the departed.

Traffic started crawling, lane started moving. I remember feeling giddy with anticipation, feeling anxious. Panic maybe. I was almost sure that the sudden jerking of the bus as it started forward would make the kid open her eyes. You want to hear something really morbid? I ached to look into that little girl’s eyes. To peek into her soul and see if in there lived something inexplicably unworldly, something immortally jarring. An elixir of life. Something I wasn’t privy of. Anything! I knew I was being ridiculous, but it consumed it. Even though my lane was clearly moving I was reluctant to move and the moron behind me started leaning on his horn because he was in a big bloody rush to the next jam. I punched my hazard button and waited for the bus to start moving because then the kid would surely open her eyes, and when she did the first thing she would see was me and I’m confident that later that evening she would tell her mom of the creepy guy in traffic.

The bus finally started inching forward, chugging along and I crawled adjacent to it my eyes never leaving the little girl’s face. I stared at her intensely willing her to open those eyes, convinced that I would see something in her. That I would see the song in that little girl’s eyes.

But she never opened her eyes.

The little girl never did open her eyes even when the bus chocked and jerked along and a sense of loss struck me. I remember feeling sad and sorry for myself for being so trivial and hopeful and yes, for being insane and dysfunctional. But at that moment of insanity I was certain that if I looked in that kid’s eyes I was going to stumble on a startling revelation. Something of cosmic proportions. I was going to see, in her eyes, a product of a song.

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  1. ‘and the moron behind me started leaning on his horn because he was in a big bloody rush to the next jam’ you did it again 🙂

  2. @Ben. Lol! Vanity indeed! I honestly couldn’t help borrowing that line. The movie was all right, but I loved the way that black guy (Edi Gathegi, “Cheese”?) delivered it solemnly,
    ” Gone, baby, Gone.” Love it.

    @ Kimutai. Chief, kwani you don’t sleep, I posted this thing in the middle of the damned night!

  3. ” But at that moment of insanity I was certain that if I looked in that kid’s eyes I was going to stumble on a startling revelation” …..You would discover the innocence kids escape with.

    Grownups will escape into their own worlds but carrying guilt and anxiety with them

  4. Firstly, great story.That small girl knows w’sup! Secondly, I’m pretty sure when “god” was a small boy, He still had a capital “G” to his name! But amazing stuff either way!!

  5. ‘and the moron behind me started leaning on his horn because he was in a big bloody rush to the next jam’ he he nice one. . .

    Music does that to you, maybe you should acquire an ipod and try it out. . theres a reason these crazy artistes get forgiven for molesting little boys and adopting malawians. .. .

  6. Dude, in some countries some moron would be itching to put you on some paedophile watch list. You make me want to go back to the kind of writing that made me love writing. That was before I started writing for a living and have to churn out stories like a freaking toy store in China preparing for the christmas rush. Not complaining though, just have to make some little time.

  7. I’m sitting here with my chin in hand….see, my imagination operates in full colour, HD I must add! So I’m ‘seeing’ all these things and why do I feel kinda sad!?

  8. music does that to people… sometimes i feel like music is the only good thing in life and all i need is a pair of headphones to block out everything out. this post has a kinda sad feeling to it… hmmm…

  9. kinda disturbing to know that somebody is filled with thoughts of your daughter in the middle of a Nairobi jam…no matter how holy.
    But you score bonus points for the vivid imagery…for the umpteenth time you should compile this to a book.

  10. I interpret the watching of the young girl and waiting for her eyes to open as a searching for the innocence and the unimagined vistas that might reveal.

    Those that imagine it has a sexual context should look closely at their interpretation as a sign of whats in their own minds.

    1. Biko is definitely searching for something, but I doubt if he will find it in a little girl’s eyes. Our search for the unknown, for the ever elusive answers never stops. However, Biko if you do get what you are searching for, do let us in on it, won’t you?

  11. Music, good music, has a way of speaking directly to the soul. When everything else is rushing by and not making any sense, a pair of good quality earphones and my favourite song of the moment, sigh!, becomes my escape!
    And that reminds me, its time to pick a new favourite!

  12. You have an amazing way with words, very descrpitive. I have also been caught in those moments when you want to unravel a stranger who holds your attention. In this case I would have wondered about the personality of her parents, siblings, friends..where does she live…….glad to know am normal!

  13. I got scared reading this post…for a moment i was certain you had deep pyschological issues, that need checking.

    The writing was however as always, superb.

  14. Yup, music has a way with most of us where all else has failed… n juz so you know its not only chicks that go oooooh she is so sweet in a supermarket when thy see some sweet kid…i sort of knows guys that do and no they are not gay….lol. lovely piece. juz what i needed to shake things up on a slow thursday afty…

    and the next time you decide to invade in a little girls ‘alone moment’ make sure the parents are no where near or they’ll follow you home and shoot you on the foot..

    1. As a father, I can appreciate a child who gets ‘lost’ in music instead of playing in the bus.

      I take breaks by losing myself to soul classics.
      Just put ‘evolution’ on rotation

  15. My goodness! I was reading and reading and reading and all i could think was “dude, get to the point!!!”. Hehe. And the adjectives, eii, aren’t they a little too much? They’re clogging the writing.

  16. that sight will forever be etched in ur mind.anytime ur in a jam..i get similar sensations when its raining heavily outside and im listening to some kinda soft rock.esp when in the car..or by a window at word EPIC!!

  17. I loose myself to country and classical music, it takes me to another world altogether….but Biko next time concentrate on the car ahead…..

  18. lose yourself into a world where there’s just you and your new found peace…
    and never leave that place. no matter what.
    its safe there.

  19. The problem with vanity and all his cousins is that it never comes to a cul-de-sac moment (ultimatum like say, sex) [to use your words]…it’s a vicious circle of ‘self-indulge’…but the temporary detachment enriches the soul.

    And that detachment, does it mortify one into a zombie sometime?

  20. If you want a steady relationship full of adventure, heavy loving and all that apertains to it look me up. I will make it worth your while

  21. i bet she was listening to Eminem!no wait..maybe lil jon?!yeah thats definitely lil jon..!shots!shots!shots!

  22. I remember reading the ‘original’ version of this piece on facebook some months ago and it blew me away. Still a great read the second time around but if am totally honest and not to discredit this piece,i loved the ‘original’ more.

  23. So i decided to go through your blog post by post from the beginning. being old post i didn’t see the need to post…see i was having fun being the unseen (shadowy and creepy stalker-like) reader, student even. through the black tie, the jump…amazing writing, i just passed through; until i met this post. i don’t want to sound all “OMG you are so…” but this post, this little girl, the words you use, the story you tell…all these are the product of a song…and I thank God for that song. great work biko…great work. now i will open my eyes…

  24. oops, i mean ‘being old posts, i didnt see the need to comment…’ thats what you get for typing with your etes closed…

  25. I have read many of your posts since i discovered you, i read backwards because am tryna catch up on what i have missed and i’ve been serching for a moving piece, one that really speaks to me, makes me come alive, lost even, in how it is written………….wait for it……wait for it…..THIS IS IT man, this is it!

  26. I am definitely the type that screeches,” ohhhhh she’s soooo cute!” And i am pretty sure that the little girl in the bus was super cuuuute!!

  27. The girl doesn’t know she’s a character in one of the posts in this blog. She’s probably in class now, and will sit at the same seat in the evening while being taken home.

  28. Biko, you always make me laugh out! “That moron who leaned on his horn to get to the next traffic jam.

  29. biko ,such an inquisitive mind thus initiating a huge story from a cute,little girl,who has her eyes closed and thoughts buried in fantasy of a song composer..that girl has my song! 🙂 🙂

  30. I too would love to fly into another world like that girl did, I do when I lose myself in novels and music that resonates with my soul,so much so that it hurts to be apart from the characters in the novels when the story is over or when the song ends I feel empty and lost

  31. Biko, I am those people who listen to my classics with my eyes closed. The peace and calm I get from music, no man woman or child can distract me from. In fact, I shut off to the point that I once missed my stop but it was okay because I had music for my soul as I got in late for work. Unless am reading while listening to music, why would I distract myself from such an amazing thing? That child was just on the path to seeking inner peace. She knows what’s best!!

  32. Biko Zulu,

    You’re the closest we’ll ever have to a Kenyan Bard. I think it’s about time we had the Complete Works of Biko Zulu. You’ve got the capability for the kind of introspection that Shakespeare used to such good effect in his plays.

  33. Music ia all good up until you’re in a ramshackle Githurai bus that has deafening tweeters and a heart pounding woofer that literally move you. You close you eyes – only that this time you writhe in pain and discomfort. You defiantly clench your teeth and wait for your stop. Where the music stops.